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Freshers Job Oriented Training

Earn Starting 5LPA to 15LPA

Freshers Job Oriented Training is designed to equip new graduates with the practical skills and industry knowledge required to excel in their chosen careers. This program bridges the gap between academic learning and real-world job demands, offering hands-on training in key areas such as communication, problem-solving, and technical skills relevant to various industries.
4.7 (253 user ratings)

Freshers Job Oriented Training Program Syllabus

Week 1: Excel                        Linux

Week 2: Excel                        Linux

Week 3: SQL                          Linux

Week 4: SQL                          Python

Week 5: AWS                         Python

Week 6: AWS                         Python

Week 7: Power BI                  git GitHub, Ansible

Week 8: Power BI                  Projects

Week 9 & 10 :…Projects , Interview prep

Course content

1. Manage Workbook Options and Settings

1.1. Create Worksheets and Workbooks

  • Create a workbook
  • Import data from a delimited text file
  • Add a worksheet to an existing workbook
  • Copy and move a worksheet

1.2. Navigate in Worksheets and Workbooks

  • Search for data within a workbook
  • Navigate to a named cell, range, or workbook element
  • Insert and remove hyperlinks

1.3.Format Worksheets and Workbooks

  • Change worksheet tab color
  • Rename a worksheet
  • Change worksheet order
  • Insert and delete columns or rows
  • Change workbook themes
  • Adjust row height and column width
  • Insert headers and footers
1.4.Customize Options and Views for Worksheets and Workbooks
  • Hide or unhide worksheets
  • Hide or unhide columns and rows
  • Customize the Quick Access toolbar
  • Modify document properties
  • Display formulas
1.5. Configure Worksheets and Workbooks for Distribution
  • Inspect a workbook for hidden properties or personal information
  • Inspect a workbook for accessibility issues
  • Inspect a workbook for compatibility issues
2. Apply Custom Data Formats and Layouts

2.1.  Apply Custom Data Formats and Validation 

  • Create custom number formats
  • Populate cells by using advanced Fill Series options
  • Configure data validation
2.2. Apply Advanced Conditional Formatting and Filtering 
  • Create custom conditional formatting rules
  • Create conditional formatting rules that use formulas
  • Manage conditional formatting rules

2.3. Create and Modify Custom Workbook Elements 

  • Create and modify simple macros
  • Insert and configure form controls

3. Create Tables

3.1.   Create and Manage Tables

  • Create an Excel table from a cell range
  • Convert a table to a cell range
  • Add or remove table rows and columns

3.2. Manage Table Styles and Options

  • Apply styles to tables
  • Configure table style options
  • Insert total rows

3.3. Filter and Sort a Table

  • Filter records
  • Sort data by multiple columns
  • Change sort order
  • Remove duplicate records
  1. Perform Operations with Formulas and Functions
    4.1 Summarize Data by using Functions
  • Insert references
  • Perform calculations by using the SUM function
  • Perform calculations by using MIN and MAX functions
  • Perform calculations by using the COUNT function
  • Perform calculations by using the AVERAGE function
  • 4.2 Perform Conditional Operations by using Functions
  • Perform logical operations by using the IF function
  • Perform logical operations by using the SUMIF function
  • Perform logical operations by using the AVERAGEIF function
  • Perform statistical operations by using the COUNTIF function

4.3. Format and Modify Text by using Functions

  • Format text by using RIGHT, LEFT, and MID functions
  • Format text by using UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER functions
  • Format text by using the CONCATENATE function

5. Create Charts and Objects

5.1. Create Charts

  • Create a new chart
  • Add additional data series
  • Switch between rows and columns in source data
  • Analyze data by using Quick Analysis

5.2. Format Charts

  • Resize charts
  • Add and modify chart elements
  • Apply chart layouts and styles
  • Move charts to a chart sheet

5.3. Insert and Format Objects

  • Insert text boxes and shapes
  • Insert images
  • Modify object properties
  • Add alternative text to objects for accessibility
6. Manage Workbook Options and Settings
6.1. Manage Workbooks
  • Save a workbook as a template
  • Enable macros in a workbook
  • Display hidden ribbon tabs

6.2. Manage Workbook Review Restrict editing

  • Protect a worksheet
  • Configure formula calculation options
  • Protect workbook structure
  • Manage workbook versions
  • Encrypt a workbook with a password

7. Apply Custom Data Formats and Layouts

7.1. Apply Custom Data Formats and Validation

  • Create custom number formats
  • Populate cells by using advanced Fill Series options
  • Configure data validation
7.2. Apply Advanced Conditional Formatting and Filtering
  • Create custom conditional formatting rules
  • Create conditional formatting rules that use formulas
  • Manage conditional formatting rules

7.3. Create and Modify Custom Workbook Elements

  • Create custom color formats
  • Create and modify cell styles
  • Create and modify custom themes
  • Create and modify simple macros
  • Insert and configure form controls

7.4. Prepare a Workbook for Internationalization

  • Display data in multiple international formats
  • Apply international currency formats
  • Manage multiple options for +Body and +Heading fonts

8. Create Advanced Formulas

8.1. Apply Functions in Formulas

  • Perform logical operations by using AND, OR, and NOT functions
  • Perform logical operations by using nested functions
  • Perform statistical operations by using SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, and COUNTIFS functions

             8.2. Look up data by using Functions

  • Look up data by using the VLOOKUP function
  • Look up data by using the HLOOKUP function

 8.3. Apply Advanced Date and Time Functions

  • Reference the date and time by using the NOW and TODAY functions ▪ Serialize numbers by using date and time functions
8.4. Perform Data Analysis and Business Intelligence
  • Import, transform, combine, display, and connect to data
  • Consolidate data
  • Perform what-if analysis by using Goal Seek and Scenario Manager
  • Calculate data by using financial functions

8.5. Troubleshoot Formulas

  • Trace precedence and dependence
  • Monitor cells and formulas by using the Watch Window

8.6.Define Named Ranges and Objects

  • Name cells
  • Name data ranges
  • Name tables
  • Manage named ranges and objects

9. Create Advanced Charts and Tables

9.1. Create and Manage PivotTables

  • Create PivotTables
  • Modify field selections and options
  • Create slicers
  • Group PivotTable data
  • Add calculated fields
  • Format data

9.2. Create and Manage Pivot Charts

  • Create PivotCharts
  • Manipulate options in existing PivotCharts
  • Apply styles to PivotCharts
  • Drill down into PivotChart details




Introduction To SQL

  • Introduction Database
  • Understanding DBMS vs RDBMS
  • Gone through SQL Standards
  • Installation of Oracle
  • SQL*Plus developer tool
  • Datatypes in Oracle
  • Operators in Oracle
  • Understanding Schemas and objects

Working With DDL Commands

  • Table creation using CREATE statement
  • Dropping a table using DROP command
  • Altering the column of a table
  • Modifying the column datatype in a table
  • Renaming the column of a table
  • Renaming an entire table
  • Creating table from another table
  • Difference between Delete and Truncate

Data Retrieval Techniques

  • How to use select statement in different ways to retrieve records?
  • Working with Column alias
  • Working with Table alias
  • Data filtering and sorting with in single table
  • Clauses and its types in oracle
  • From, Where, Group by, Having, Order by, Using , Constraint ,For update

Working With DML Commands

  • How to copy data from one table to another table?
  • How to copy the structure alone from a table?
  • Different types of inserting row to an existing table
  • Updating any value of with in a record using UPDATE command
  • Deleting a particular record from a table
  • Using merge & insert all command

Integrity Constraints

  • How to declare column level constraints?
  • How to declare row level constraints ?
  • How to add constraints to an existing table?
  • Types of integrity constraints
  • Primary key
  • Foreign Key (Referential integrity)
  • Not null
  • Unique
  • Check
  • Enable and disable constraints , gather information about constraints?

Built In Functions

  • Understanding Single row functions
  • How to use single row functions using dummy table?
  • Types of single row functions
  • Mathematical, Conversion, String, Date, Special, Analytical
  • Multi row functions

Data Aggregation

  • Working with aggregate function
  • Sum, Max, Min, Count, Avg
  • group by with having … WHERE and HAVING clause

Importance Of JOIN

  • Understanding joins and its uses
  • Types of joins
  • Normal join/simple join/Equi join or Non – equi join
  • Outer join , Left outer & Right outer & Full outer join
  • Self join, Cross join

Set Operators And Pseudo Columns:

  • How to use set operators in a single table content?
  • Working with set operator types
  • Working with pseudo columns using the following

Sub Queries

  • Importance of sub queries
  • Using different types of sub queries
  • Single row sub queries,Multi row sub queries, Multi column sub queries
  • Nested queries, Correlated sub queries

Database Transaction And Security

  • Data query language TCL, commit and rollback, savepoint
  • Data control language grant, revoke
  • Create users and roles, grant permission

Design Of Schema Objects

  • Creating and working with Views, simple view,
  • complex view,
  • Inline views,
  • materialized view,
  • Synonyms,
  • Sequences,
  • Index,
  • Cluster
  • Linux Basic Concepts & Installations

    • Introduction to Unix & Linux
    • History of Unix & Linux
    • Basic Concepts of OS, Kernel, Shell
    • Installation of Linux
    • Boot Sequence
  • File System Management

    • Different FS like ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs
    • File and Dir Create
    • Permissions of File/Dir
    • Ownership of File/Dir
    • Assigning Advanced Files Permissions
    • Advanced Linux Commands
  • User Management

    • User and Group Administration
    • Creating, Deleting and Modifying Users
    • Creating and Deleting Groups
    • Important System Files Related to User Administration
    • Passwd Aging, Quotas
    • Skel File
  • Disk Management & Backup and Recovery

    • Disk Partitioning and Mounting File System
    • Using fdisk, df, du, mkfs, mount
    • fstab and mtab File
    • Using dd, sync, tar, cpio, dump / restore
    • Create FS/spl File and Extend Swap Size
  • Networking & Security

    • Set and Reset Static IP Address
    • DHCP Client
    • Check and Reset Firewall
    • Selinux Different Mode Setting
    • Difference Between Firewall & Selinux
  • Automation of Jobs

    • At and Cron
  • Run Levels

    • Types of Run-Levels / System
    • Run Level Control Scripts

    • Xinetd Based Services
    • Xinetd Based and Non-Xinetd Based Services
    • Advantage of Xinetd Service
  • Storage Management

    • Implementing RAID (0,1,5,10)
    • Create and Extend PV, VG, LV
  • Package Management

    • Install, Upgrade and Query of Package Using RPM
  • Networking

    • IP, Subnet, CIDR, DNS, Gateway


  1. Introduction to Cloud Computing
  1. Why Cloud Computing?
  2. Benefits of Cloud Computing
  3. Types of Cloud Computing
  4. Public Cloud / Private Cloud / Hybrid Cloud
  5. Introduction to AWS
  6. Regions and Availability Zones – How to choose the right one


  1. Instance Types
  2. Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
  3. Launching an instance – How to choose the right instance type
  4. Security via Key Pairs
  5. Working with the Security Group
  6. Assigning Elastic IPs
  7. Logging into the instance (Linux / windows )
  8. Choosing the right AMI
  9. Creating your own AMI
  1. Creating and deleting volumes
  2. Attaching and detaching volumes
  3. Mounting and Un mounting the attached volume
  4. Creating snapshots
  5. Creating volumes from snapshots
  6. What is EFS & difference between EBS n EFS


  1. Creating and deleting buckets
  2. Adding objects to buckets
  3. Getting objects
  4. Deleting objects
  5. Bucket Permissions / Versioning / lifecycle
  6. What is Glacier and Snowball
  7. Difference Between Glacier and Snowball
  1. Creating the ELB
  2. Health Checks
  3. Installing the SSL
  4. Load Balancing with EC2
  5. Get set Up with Auto Scaling Interfaces
  6. Get started with Auto Scaling Using the Console
  7. Maintain a fixed Number of running EC2 Instance
  8. Dynamic Scaling
  9. Scheduled Scaling
  1. IAM Console and Sign in
  2. Identities ( User, Group, Roles)
  3. Security Credentials / MFA
  4. Permissions and policies


  1. VPC Wizard Scenarios for Amazon VPC
  2. Your VPC and Subnets
  3. Your Default VPC and Subnets
  4. Security in Your VPC
  5. Networking in Your VPC
  6. End points to S3
  7. VPC peering & TGW
  8. AWS Direct connect / VPN


  1. Access Control List
  2. NATs
  3. Security groups


  1. Registering Domain Names
  2. Configuring Amazon Route 53 as Your DNS Service
  3. Working with Public/Private Hosted Zones
  4. Working with Resource Record Sets
  5. Using Traffic Flow to Route DNS Traffic
  6. Health Checks and DNS Failover


  1. Selecting the Engine
  2. Configuring the Database Engine
  3. Creating your Database
  4. Setting up automatic backups
  5. Authorizing access to the DB via DB Security Groups
  6. NoSQL –DynamoDB, Redshift

***** Depends on DB knowledge


  1. Monitoring the AWS Service Health Dashboard
  2. Using Cloud watch for Monitoring
  3. Setting up your metrics
  4. Setting up notifications
  5. Creating Alarms/ Events
  1. How Cloud Front Delivers Content
  2. Locations and IP Address Ranges of Cloud Front Edge Servers
  3. Working with Distributions
  4. Working with Objects
  5. Content delivery network
  6. What is CloudFormation
  7. Advantages of CloudFormation
  8. Lab: CF
  1. Setting up Amazon SNS
  2. Verifying Email Addresses and send notification on that
  3. Elastic Beanstalk


  1. Architecting for the AWS Cloud Best Practices
  2. Overview of Security Processes
  3. Storage Options in the Cloud
  4. Objectives of the course
  5. To gain fundamental understanding of AWS cloud technologies
  6. Be able to start a Windows or Linux server in the cloud with its own private address
  7. Be able to startup a CRM / Word Press / etc. website hosted in cloud
  8. Be able to start a highly scalable MySQL or Oracle database in the cloud.
  9. Be able to setup a load-balancer in the cloud
  10. Be able to understand the redundancy, fault-tolerance and high availability requirements of a web application

1. Python Basics

• Python language introduction
• Python 3 basics
• Python The new generation language
• Important difference between python 2.x and python 3.x with example
• Keywords in Python | Set 1, Set 2
• Namespaces and Scope in Python
• Statement, Indentation and Comment in Python
• Structuring Python Programs
• How to check if a string is a valid keyword in Python?
• How to assign values to variables in Python and other languages
• How to print without newline in Python?
• Decision making
• Basic calculator program using Python
• Python Language advantages and applications

  1. Input/Output

• Taking input in Python
• Taking input from console in Python
• Taking multiple inputs from user in Python
• Python Input Methods for Competitive Programming
• Vulnerability in input() function – Python 2.x
• Python | Output using print() function
• How to print without newline in Python?
• Python | end parameter in print()
• Python | sep parameter in print()
• Python | Output Formatting

  1. Data Types
  • Introduction to DataTypes
  • Strings
  • List
  • Tuples
  • Sets
  • Dictionary
  • Arrays 
  1. Variables

• Variables, expression condition and function
• Maximum possible value of an integer in python?
• Global and local variables in python
• Packing and unpacking arguments in python
• Type conversion in python
• Byte objects vs string in python
• Print single and multiple variable
• Swap variable
• Private variables
• __name__ (A Special variable) in Python

  1. Operators

• Basic operator in python
• Logical and bitwise not operator on boolean
• Ternary operator
• Division operator in python
• Operator Overloading in Python
• Any & all in python
• Inplace and standard operators in python
• Operator function in python | Set – 1
• Inplace operator | Set -1
• Logic Gates in Python
• Python | a += b is not always a = a + b
• Difference between == and is operator in Python
• Python Membership and Identity Operators | in, not in, is, is not

  1. Control Flow

• Loops
• Loops and Control Statements (continue, break and pass) in Python
• Looping technique in python
• range vs xrange on python
• Programs for printing pyramid technique in python
• Chaining comparison in python
• else with for
• switch function
• Using iteration in python effectively
• Python Itertools
• Python __iter__() and __next__() | Converting an object into an iterator
• Python | Difference between iterable and iterator
• Generators in python
• Generators expression in python

  1. Functions

• First Class functions in Python
• Precision Handling
• *args and **kwargs
• Python closures
• Function Decorators
• Decorators in Python
• Decorators with parameters in Python
• Memoization using decorators in Python
• Help function in Python
• Python | __import__() function
• Python | range() does not return an iterator
• Coroutine in Python
• Python bit functions on int (bit_length, to_bytes and from_bytes)

  1. Object Oriented Concepts

• Python3 Intermediate Level Topics
• Class, Object and Members
• Data Hiding and Object Printing
• Inheritance, examples of object, issubclass and super
• Polymorphism in Python
• Class and static variable in python
• Class method and static method in python
• Changing class members
• Constructors in Python
• Destructors in Python
• First class function
• Metaprogramming with metaclasses
• Class and instance attribute
• Reflection
• Garbage collection

  1. Exception Handling

• Exception handling
• User defined Exception
• Built-in Exception
• clean up action
• Nzec error
• try and except in Python

  1. Working With Database

• MongoDB and Python
• SQL using Python | Set 1
• SQL using Python and SQLite | Set 2
• SQL using Python | Set 3 (Handling large data)
• Inserting variables to database table using Python
• MYSQLdb Connection in Python
• Database management in PostgreSQL
• Oracle Database Connection in Python

  1. Numpy

• Python Numpy
• Numpy | ndarray
• Numpy | Array Creation
• Numpy | Data Type Objects
• Data type Object (dtype) in NumPy
• Numpy | Indexing
• Numpy | Basic Slicing and Advanced Indexing
• Numpy | Iterating Over Array
• Numpy | Binary Operations
• Numpy | Linear Algebra
• Numpy | Sorting, Searching and Counting

  1. Pandas

• Pandas Tutorial
• Python | Pandas DataFrame
• Creating a Pandas DataFrame
• Dealing with Rows and Columns in Pandas DataFrame
• Indexing and Selecting Data with Pandas
• Boolean Indexing in Pandas
• Conversion Functions in Pandas DataFrame
• Iterating over rows and columns in Pandas DataFrame
• Working with Missing Data in Pandas
• Python | Pandas Series
• Data analysis using Pandas
• Read csv using pandas.read_csv()

  1. Modules in Python

• Introduction of Modules
• OS module
• Calendar Module
• Python Urllib Module
• pprint
• Timit function
• Import module

Module 1: Introduction to Power BI Part 1

• Getting Started
• Class Introduction (BI Basics)
• Class Introduction (Power BI Desktop Overview)
• Data Discovery with Power BI Desktop
• Transforming Data (Basic Transforms)
• Transforming Data (Add Column From Example)
• Transforming Data (Appending Queries)
• Transforming Data (Merging Queries)
• Transforming Data (Combine Files)
• Transforming Data (M Query Basics)
• Transforming Data (Parameters and Templates)
• Transforming Data (Other Query Features)
• Introduction to Modeling Data
• Creating the Data Model (Modeling Basics)
• Creating the Data Model (Model Enhancements)
• Creating the Data Model (What If Parameters)
• Creating Calculated Columns and Tables (DAX Basics)
• Creating Calculated Columns and Tables (Navigation Function)
• Creating Calculated Columns and Tables (Calculated Tables)
• Creating Calculated Measures (Measure Basics)
• Creating Calculated Measures (Time Intelligence Functions)

Module 2:Introduction to Power BI Part 2

• Introduction to Visualizing Data
• Creating Basic Reports with the Power BI Desktop
• Creating Interactive Reports (Adding Slicers for Filters) • Creating Interactive Reports (Visualizing Tabular Data)
• Creating Interactive Reports (Visualizing Categorical Data)
• Creating Interactive Reports (Visualizing Data Trends)
• Creating Interactive Reports (Visualizing Categorical and Trend Data Together)
• Creating Interactive Reports (Visualizing Geographical Data with Maps)
• Creating Interactive Reports (Visualizing Goal Tracking)
• Creating Interactive Reports (Using Custom Visuals)
• Creating Interactive Reports (Digital Storytelling)
• Creating Interactive Reports (Other Features)
• Using the Power BI Service (Deploying to the Power BI Service) • Using the Power BI Service (Creating and Sharing Dashboards)
• Using the Power BI Service (Using Power BI Q&A)
• Using the Power BI Service (Setting up App Workspaces)
• Using the Power BI Service (Subscriptions and Alerts)
• Using the Power BI Service (Excel Integration)
• Using the Power BI Service (Export and Embed Options)
• Refreshing the Data (Refreshing Data Overview)
• Refreshing the Data (Installing the Data Gateway)
• Refreshing the Data (Scheduling a Data Refresh)
• Mobile BI (Power BI Mobile Overview)
• Mobile BI (Designing Reports and Dashboards for Mobile)
• Mobile BI (Interacting with the Power BI Mobile App)

Module 3:Introduction to DAX

• Getting Started
• Data Modeling Basics (Overview)
• Data Modeling Basics (Tabular)
• What is DAX (Overview)
• What is DAX (Tabular)
• Creating Calculated Columns (Basics)
• Creating Calculated Columns (Basics Continued)
• Navigation Functions
• Conditional and Logical Functions
• Creating Calculated Measures
• Time Intelligence (Overview)
• Time Intelligence (Time Intelligence Functions)
• Using X-Functions and A-Functions
• Table Functions
• DAX as a Query Language

Module 4:Advanced DAX

• Class Introduction (Class Files)
• Class Introduction (Why Advanced DAX)
• Working with Variables
• Working with Filter Context (What is Filter Context?)
• Working with Filter Context (CALCULATE)
• Working with Filter Context (Overriding Filter Context)
• Working with Filter Context (FILTER)
• Working with Filter Context (FILTER and ALL)
• Working with Filter Context (ALLEXCEPT)
• Working with Filter Context (Totals)
• CALCULATE and Time Intelligence (YTD and MTD)
• CALCULATE and Time Intelligence (Rolling 12 Months Total)
• CALCULATE and Time Intelligence (Rolling 3 Month Average Total)
• Semi-Additive Measures (Overview)
• Semi-Additive Measures (Opening and Closing Balance)
• Row Context (Understanding Row Context and Context Transition)
• Row Context (Working with Iterator Functions)
• Nested Row Context
• Error Handling
• Security (Implementing Basic Security)
• Security (Dynamic Security)
• Security (Implementing Basic Security – Tabular)
• Security (Dynamic Security – Tabular)
• Role Playing Dimensions (Multiple Table Import) • Role Playing Dimensions (USERELATIONSHIP)
• Advanced DAX Function (CONTAINS)
• Advanced DAX Function (FIND)
• Advanced DAX Function (SEARCH and SUBSTITUTE)
• Advanced DAX Function (ALLSELECTED)
• Advanced DAX Function (RANKX)

Module 5:Power BI Report Server

• Class Introduction
• Getting Started (Power BI Desktop)
• Getting Started (Licensing)
• Installation
• Configuration
• Deployment (Publish to Report Server)
• Deployment (Uploading from Report Server)
• Deployment (Folder Structure)
• Scheduling a Data Refresh
• Security (Row Level Security)
• Security (Assigning Power BI Report Permissions)

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