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DevOps Engineer Master Training

Earn 5LPA to 15LPA Salary

DevOps Training provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices that combine software development and IT operations. The course focuses on improving collaboration and communication between developers and IT professionals, aiming to streamline and automate the continuous delivery and deployment process.
4.9 (1200 user ratings)

DevOps Master Training Syllabus

This structured breakdown provides a detailed overview of the topics covered in the DevOps Master Training program, including key concepts, tools, and practices involved in the DevOps lifecycle. Let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like to adjust or expand upon!

Course content

0. Introduction of DevOps

  • What is DevOps? Acronym Dev+Ops?
  • History of DevOps
  • Overview of DevOps tools
  • End-to-End DevOps workflow
  • Who can learn DevOps?
  • Importance & goals of DevOps Practices in real-time
  • SDLC models, Agile and DevOps
  • Opportunities, Trends and Future of DevOps
  • Overview of Version Control, Build and Deployment Process, Continuous Integration and Deployment, Configuration management, Containerization, Virtualization & Cloud platform. Etc
  • Roles of Cloud platforms in DevOps
  • Roles and Responsibilities of DevOps Resource
  1. Git & GitHub Intro (SEC-A)
  • What is Version Control System?
  • Introduction to version control systems (VCS)
  • Different version control systems in the market
  • Evolution of VCS
  • Roles and features of VCS in Source code management in DevOps
  • What is Git & GitHub? Differences!
  • Roles and Responsibilities of DevOps Engineer in Git & GitHub


  • Git Basics & Architecture
  • Git's unique features in Source code management
  • End-to-End Git Work-flow.
  • Git Vs SVN Vs Other commercial VCS
  • Git Command Line & GUI
  • Overview of GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket. etc.
  • Git Installation, Uninstallation, Upgradation on Linux
  • Setting up Mandatory configurations & best practices
  • '$git config' command to setup User, Email, Editor and Credentials
  • What is Source, Stage and Local repository.
  • Git Revision Structure – SHA, User, Email, Commit Message and other metadata
  • Git internals. How Git generates SHA value? What is this checksum code & data integrity all about?
  • Significance of Staging Index. Skipping the staging. Best practices.
  • Git command line with most frequently used options in real-time
  • # Check the history of a file
  • $ git log –author/--grep/–since/–until/–oneline  etc.
  • # How do you get diff of your changes?
  • $ git diff                $ git diff –staged                               $ git diff sha. Sha
  • # Removing a file in Git
  • $ git rm
  • - Is deletion permanent? Best practices.
  • - Resurrect/restore a deleted file
  • # Renaming a file in Git
  • $ git mv command
  • - Verify history after file rename
  • # Show more details about a change
  • $ git show
  • # Undoing the changes
  • - Revert a change from Source Area, staging area
  • - Revert a committed change
  • $ Git pull & fetch commands
  • - Difference between pull and fetch
  • - Difference between clone and pull
  • $ fork in GitHub and clone

Git & GitHub Branch (SEC-B)

  • Branching and Merging
  • What is a branch? When and Why do we create a new branch
  • Importance of master branch & stable code
  • Branching Strategies/Models – Pros and Cons
  • Switching branches for parallel development
  • Merging from one branch to another. Best practices

Git & GitHub Adv. (SEC-C)

  • Git stash                  : temporarily shelves (or stashes) changes
  • Git Squash             : to combine multiple commits into one.
  • Git Patch                 : text files that contain code and Git commit metadata
  • Got Cherry pic       : enables arbitrary Git commits 
  • Git Collaboration : different people can work on the same project together.

GitHub Action. (SEC-D)

  • GitHub Actions is a CI approach to automate your build,
  • test,
  • and deployment pipeline
  1. Ansible (SEC-A)

Overview of Configuration Management with Ansible

  • What is a configuration Management tool. What is Ansible?
  • How Ansible Works (ssh protocol)
  • What is Infrastructure as a code (IAC)
  • Ansible as CD tool
  • About some important Ansible Terminology
  • Ansible Architecture

Ansible Environment Setup

  • Installation and configuration
  • Ssh pass less connection from master to node
  • Ansible Inventory
  • Ansible Configuration file
  • Ansible ad-hoc commands

Ansible Playbooks

  • what is configuration, deployment, and orchestration
  • YAML Structure, Playbook structure
  • Ansible playbooks - quick start
  • Playbook syntax checks
  • Variables in Ansible
  • Ansible Sections - target, tasks, handlers
  • Patterns: targeting hosts and groups
  • Defining Variables in Ansible Code, Use Cases
  • Debug the console logs
  • When clause in Playbook

Ansible Vault

  • What is vault in ansible
  • Why use vault
  • Advantages/Disadvantages of vault
  • Lab

Conditional loops and Handlers

  • What are Conditionals in Ansible
  • What are Loops in Ansible
  • Handlers in Ansible
  • Ansible Vaults- Introduction and Importance of vaults in Ansible
  • Vault - commands and usage in playbooks

Ansible (SEC-B)

Dynamic inventory

  • What is dynamic inventory
  • Scenario based dynamic inventory
  • How it will work

Ansible Performance tuning

  • How to speed up your playbooks
  • OR
  • How to reduce execution time of playbook
  • Ansible config file
  • Ansible fork

Ansible Roles/ galaxy

  • Introduction on Ansible Roles
  • Role directory structure
  • storing and finding roles
  • Using roles
  • Running a role multiple times in one playbook
  • Include and Dependency Management
  • Passing different parameters

Ansible High Availability (HA)

  • Introduction on ansible tower
  • Tower installation and Tower Dashboard

Ansible Miss.

  • Ansible ssh password less when target is 1000 node
  • Execute a shell script from playbook
  • Create an ec2 by ansible (iac)


  1. Jenkins as CI tools (SEC-A)
  • Install and configure Jenkins
  • Exploring Jenkins Dashboard UI
  • Introduction to Plugins. What is a plugin?
  • Plugins Installation, Un-installation and upgrade
  • Different ways of plugin installation and management
  • Finding suitable plugins and interpreting plugins documentation for real-time scenarios
  • CI/CD pipeline (free style)
  • CD/CD pipeline (scripted & declarative)
  • Jenkins file & variable
  • e-mail notification from Jenkins
  • Integrate sq, af/s3 to Jenkins

Jenkins (SEC-B)

  • Jenkins HA config (Master/Slave)
  • Jenkins security (using https)
  • Matrix based and Project based security
  • Jenkins PT
  • Multi branch pipeline
  • Custom home directory of Jenkins
  • Install and configure Jenkins on docker container
  • How and what to take backup of Jenkins and restore
  • monitor Jenkins ci/cd and resource
  1. Docker (SEC-A)
  • Introduction & Architecture
  • VM vs Container, Adv of container
  • Installation and create & manage container
  • Docker file & images
  • Create image/container of custom app (python, java, NodeJS)
  • Docker container in-depth:
  •    > Layer
  •    > Network (Ip, ping to container, google)
  •    > Verifying resource utilization and usage statistics - stats command
  •    > Allocating of resource (CPU, ram, Disk)
  •    > Create a container with custom Ip
  •    > Updating computing constraints on a running container
  • Docker Volume creation, Inspecting Volumes
  • Mounting Docker volume to containers
  • Read-only volume

Docker (SEC-B)

  • Reduce size of image (by docker file/Docker Slim)
  • Container process management
  • Docker composes
  • TS and logs
  • CI/CD projects using Docker as end point
  • Another ci/cd with Docker using Jenkins variables
  1. SonarQube
  • What is sq ?
  • Installation & configuration.
  • Architecture of sq.
  • SonarQube components.
  • Check the code quality.
  • SQ with CI(Jenkins).
  1. Artifact
  • What is AF
  • AWS S3 as AF
  • Integrate to Jenkins
  1. Terraform (SEC-A)
  • Concept and Advantages of Infrastructure as Code
  • Installation, architecture of Terraform and manage provider
  • Initialize a Terraform working directory, Describe Terraform workflow, validate a Terraform configuration
  • Generate and review an execution plan for Terraform Execute changes to infrastructure with Terraform Destroy
  • Terraform managed infrastructure
  • Launch AWS S3 and modify the same
  • Launch EC2 in AWS with key and security group and connect
  • Launch AWS VPC, subnet, gateway, routing
  • Launch ec2 and RDS on custom VPC

Terraform (SEC-B)

  • Terraform state file (local/remote)
  • Terraform variable, loop, for each loop, count, conditions
  •  Terraform import (existing infra to terraform tfstate)
  • Terraform taint and untaint
  • Terraform Data source
  1. Kubernetes (SEC-A)
  •  Architecture
  •  Installation:
  1. Minikube
  2. Kubeadm
  •          iii.  kops
  1. EKS
  •  Attach / detach node
  •  Deployment(nginx), replica set, service
  •  pod in depth, AH, AS                                                    
  •  Taint master/worker
  •  Deployment (python/java/NodeJS)
  •  Volume (PV, PVC; using AWS EBS, EFS)
  •  RBAC, create k8s user


  • Service in depth (cip, np, lb, ingress)
  • Backup cluster, etcd
  • upgrade cluster (1.27 to 1.28)
  • TS and Auto heel scale
  • cicd. end point Kubernetes pod
  • Helm chart
  •    What is helm & helm chart?
  •    Architecture of Helm chart
  •    Advantages of Helm chart
  •    Basic commands of Helm
  •    Install helm and test
  •    Install app(nginx) using helm chart
  •    How to create my own Helm chart
  •    From application (python/java/node js/…) to helm chart
  •    Create helm chart from manifest (yaml)..helmify
  •    Create local helm repo


  • Taint n Toleration; schedule (node selector/pod affinity)
  • Node selector and Node affinity
  • Resource quota, limit range, max limit (namespace wise or pod wise)
  • White/black list in ingress controller
  • HPA, ConfigMap, secret
  • Upgrade plan (maxSurge)


  • Kubernetes upgrade policy
  • maxSurge and maxUnavailable
  • Configure Kubernetes for Rolling Update
  • Advance Scheduling:
  • Node Selector, Node Affinity, Pod Affinity/Anti Affinity, Taint and Toleration
  • Kustomise
  • Daemon set in Kubernetes
  • TLS etcd/Api, kubeconfig file
  • What Are Secrets in Kubernetes?
  • Kubernetes service account, command n arguments
  1. Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, promtail
  • Download Prometheus and node exporter
  • Install Prometheus node exporter
  • Install and configure Prometheus
  • Configure Prometheus for Grafana
  • Check Prometheus metrics in Grafana Explore view
  • Start building dashboards
  1. GitOps:
  • gitAction
  • Argo CD install and configure with k8s
  • Deployment on k8s:  git action as CI tool and argocd as cd tools


  • Proj 1: deploy web site on web server using git, GitHub, Jenkins, ansible, web server(cicd 1)
  • Proj 2: Deploy python application on docker container (cicd 2)
  • Proj 3: Update cicd 2
  • Proj 4: deploy java application on container (cicd 3)
  • Proj 5: deploy node-JS application on container (cicd 4)
  • Proj 6: update performance of Jenkins in cicd pipeline
  • Proj 7: secure Jenkins access using https
  • Proj 8: Jenkins in HA mode
  • Proj 9: pass code to Artefact(s3) and send mail to client
  • Proj 10: Check quality of code in Jenkins server using Sonar scanner and pass to SonarQube server
  • Proj 11:  Run Ansible in HA mod using Tower and update PT
  • Proj 12:  Deploy python app in Kubernetes cluster
  • Proj 13:  Deploy on k8s using HELM chart
  • Proj 14:  Deploy on k8s using Argo CD
  • Proj 15:  Create ASE EKS using Terraform
  • Proj 16:  Upgrade K8S cluster using canary method …etc.
Manab N

Senior Cloud Architect 30+Year's IT Exp Trainer

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Our SDLC training program includes real-time projects that simulate actual industry scenarios.

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We offer unlimited access to our course materials, including video tutorials, interactive exercises, and comprehensive documentation.

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Our training program includes tools and assessments to track your growth and performance throughout the course.

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